Wednesday, July 2, 2014

So Many Things

I've come to realize that I have very eclectic interests and that's starting to make me lose my mind. Being someone who spends a good amount of time online (mainly social media) I find myself thinking about the following things in the span of...oh...5 minutes with the relentless updates and postings:

I see a link for Fan Studies: A Call for Papers regarding Netflix:
I think: "I should write an essay on ______ and submit it to possibly be published!"

Creation Entertainment (runs the Supernatural Conventions) releases tickets for another convention that I really want to attend:
I think: "Man, I would love to go."
Friends Online Say: "You should go! Meet us there!"
I say: "....OKAY! and schedule buying tickets"

Watch a You Tuber vlog about the past weekend's VidCon:
I think: "Man, I miss making YouTube videos. I really should start that up again"

See a post on Facebook (or an Ad) for Graduate Schools:
I think: "I need to research Media Studies programs and figure out which school I want to attend!"

Remembers about all the stuff I could sell online that is sitting in my room:
I think: "Oh yea, I need to track ebay and see what I could get for these things"

These thoughts literally just occurred to me in the last 30 minutes and I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind because of them. It's all so much to think about on top of actually working (crazy thought, right?) and thinking about my friends, my family, eating food, get the idea. People wonder why I can't remember things as well as I used to and all I can say in response is: See Above.

It's this cycle of thinking that creates a barrier between knowing what I want to pursue and actually pursuing them. It's hard to focus on one thing when there are so many things that might work for me. It might be good to consider writing more seriously. It might be good to go back to school for Media Studies. It might be good to make more videos and pursue YouTube more seriously. But how do I do them all? Am I supposed to pick just one? I mean, if that's the answer then I'll figure it out; But as many times as I ask the question, I have yet to receive an answer.

What questions are you asking that you don't feel are getting answered? Maybe we aren't asking the right questions? Let me know in the comments below!

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