Friday, July 19, 2013

Life Updates in July!

Time sure flies when you're working two jobs!

I've sorely missed writing on this blog. I've missed making YouTube videos (which hopefully changes soon!) And I've especially missed the concept of "weekends". Working at a movie theater on the weekend means I've only had days off for holidays (YAY for 4th of July!) and I'm working on the theater's busiest days ("Give me my POPCORN" the guest screamed into my face...).

....So finding time to relax (sleep) has been challenging.

But this time of craziness is coming to a close! I'm working the next two Fridays (including today when this blog was written) and then I'm free!

But that's not the ONLY update I have for you lovelies! I am also going to be relocating back to where so many things in my life began. Back to my college stomping ground. Back to...Fullerton, CA.
Yep. The bright lights of the city have worn me down and I'm heading back to the suburbs for a while to rest my weary LA soul.

Things you can look forward to: 
A deeper/reflective post about moving away from LA
A NEW YouTube channel!
A more rested and relaxed writer (that's me!)
A...hopefully more postings on this blog (wanted to keep with the theme here)
And, more TV/Film reviews, write-ups, and recaps :)

Whew! THAT is a LOT of updates.

I'm really excited for this new chapter in my life! I think God has some interesting things in store for me and I can't wait to share and experience them all with you!