Friday, August 1, 2014

Bloglovin' Yo

Inspired by Zoella's blog and her FAQ page, I decided to join Bloglovin' and find other bloggers to reach out and connect with as I pursue writing for my blog more seriously...and it was the best decision I've made in a long time.  I have found some pretty awesome (and fancy) bloggers out there and some have even reached out to me! I'm inspired by the creativity in posts and the STUNNING designs of some blogs and I want to copy/duplicate them all with my own twist here. My creative juices are flowing! But enough of the mushy stuff...let's get to the post already!

So many posts that I've read recently have felt as though they were written specifically with me in mind. They hit so close to home for me by discussing insecurities in writing and knowing how to "stand out" in the crowd which is exactly what I'm struggling with at the moment. Everyone knows that blogging is popular and it can be hard to distinguish yourself from the millions of other bloggers putting their thoughts out into the world as well.

On Monday night, I broke down in tears with a crippling fear that I am not "unique" enough to be a creator on any medium, let alone my little blog that could. This blog has always been a place for me to express my thoughts, rants, and general fangirl sharing but I always imagined it was just my college friends reading and didn't think much about it. Over the years college ended but my writing continued and now I've really come to love it but still considered it a hobby rather than a serious pursuit up until a few months ago. I don't know exactly WHY but something finally struck a chord and I realized that I need to put all my creative energy into creating and building something here! I had to ask myself: WHAT have I been waiting for?!

Now that I'm made a commitment to writing, I've been able to quickly find others who are doing the same thing but in their own unique voice. I have also been able to feel as though I'm working towards having a place to finally call my own corner of the interwebs. While the blog won't be changing much in style and look (not yet anyways!) I can't help but feel a refreshing sense of "newness" as I think about what is ahead.

Thank you  Burt from for having unique voices and keeping me interested in hearing what you have to say and Cait from for reaching out to me. Supernatural fans unite!

There was also someone who wrote this AMAZING blog post about the future of blogging and having your own unique voice simply by being genuine and passionate about what you are writing...and I can't find your link. *sad face * If you're out there mystery blogger, let me know! I need to read more of what you are putting into the universe. Thank you too!

While the details on bloglovin' stats (followers? liked posts?) are still a bit hazy for me, I'm glad that I am able to use the site to read other "Lifestyle" blogs (or those without a set niche of content) and find a community that I hope to one day be a part of!

Cheers to what feels like a new beginning!


  1. I agree: bloglovin' is the best. x) It really changed blogging for me, got me finding new blogs to follow and bloggers to befriend. I love meeting new people who like books or fandoms or food or...Supernatural. *hi fives* We must ban together as the horror of S10 draws near. *attempts brave face instead of sobbing*
    Blogging with your own voice can be hard to find...arghhhh, I like took, what? 3 years to figure out how I wanted to come across? And I change every year. Hopefully in a good way, lol. xD I think the most important thing is to have fun and be consistent. ;)

    1. Thanks Cait! My goal as I begin working on here more regularly is consistency and authenticity. Yay for having goals! ;p

      Yes, we must hunker down for S10! While this is both a good and bad thing, we still have a while until it airs. haha. Time to let that image of Demon!Dean sink in a little further. *cries*

  2. Thanks for the shout out and for reading! Made in the image of the Creator, we are all gifted to create in different ways. Keep pursuing it! You will continue to discern your voice during the journey!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting back! I always look forward to reading your words<3
