Tuesday, August 26, 2014

28th year

Today you turn 28 years old and seeing that number written on the page feels odd.  But you are writing a letter in the third person so you're clearly an odd person already :) 

Here is a letter to myself about what the past year has been and what hopes I have for the year ahead. 

You are 28 years old and you are still discovering who you are. While it might be "normal"... you still feel like you're behind the curve. The great part is that you're finally in a place to accept that things in life happen slower for you than most people. And that's okay. 

You've never been the most adventurous person, but I hope that you take more risks this year and decide that no matter what the outcome, the experience alone will be worth it. 

You are an obsessive person and I hope you use this to your benefit this year. Find things that make you happy and people to share that happiness with each day! Invite people into your fangirl world and don't take their opinions/criticism too personally. You love whatever it is and that should be enough. 

I hope that you find a community of people who will challenge and accept you and help you become a stronger and more confident person. I pray that this year is all about gaining confidence and accepting who you were created to be. Don't let anyone tell you different. 

You (VERY) recently got to meet your two favorite actors/celebrities and it was remarkable. You made eye contact with Jensen Ackles and your heart skipped a few beats. He even called you sweetheart. Sigh. You are going to many more conventions and hope to have many more skipped heartbeats with that dude. Remember...he's worth it.

On a somber note, each year your birthday month tends to be a tough month with many "anniversaries" of losing people. It is extremely painful for both you and your family as you balance the pain of loss and being grateful for another birthday personally. Unfortunately this year was no exception. We lost a friend to cancer and we pray for his family and all of us grieving his passing. I pray also that God reveals more of Himself to you and why August is both a celebration of life and mourning death. Ask Jesus and await His response.  

Here's to a year of new discoveries, reflections, adventures, and experiences. 

Also: whenever you are sad just look at this picture and remember how happy they made/make you. 
Happy 28th :) 


  1. I love you cousin. Awesome pics. So cool you got to meet them. Hope you have an amazing birthday!

  2. I like it! What a good idea! Happy Birthday :)

  3. the pictures turned out AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Steph! I'm typing this on the wireless keyboard you got me! I love it! Writing a few blogs as we speak !!!!
