Sunday, May 1, 2011

OK, let me explain...

So I know that most of you have seen my Facebook page recently and have seen my new favorite actor/singer all over the place. I also know that some have commented on my "obsession" with said person. So I wanted to take the opportunity to talk about this in more detail here, on my blog. You've been warned...

Yes, I do happen to like this person A LOT! He is a semi-celebrity (growing in popularity as we speak) that I  have become a HUGE fan of both artistically and for the message that he puts out for his fans. Acceptance. 

The quote above is from this celebrity and I think it really captures part of the reason I have become such a huge fan. I know there have been people who have said similar statements about loving yourself or being who you are blah blah. The difference is that this person actually lives it out! He's goofy, forgets his own lyrics all the time, wears nail polish to formal events, and he is completely ok with that. It's refreshing to see someone in the public eye not take himself too seriously and yet still produce quality work! I'm so grateful that kids (and myself) have someone like him in the public eye to be that voice of self-acceptance and confidence. He also talks about just living life and enjoying the experiences we have been blessed to have. We all could use this attitude when we think our lives aren't what we had expected. He is all about getting out there are just "doing it" and trying rather than sitting around waiting for something great to happen! 

From reading various blogs and other sites, I've also been able to read fan stories of meeting him and how genuinely nice he is to all who come out to see him. As someone who experienced the 'Nsync fandom on a large scale, it's nice to see someone (who isn't as big as 'Nsync, but still...) really care about his fans and making everyone feel important even though we are all strangers to him. Who does that?!

Lastly, he is a part of an amazing group of friends/actors/writers called Starkid Productions (started out in college) which created "A Very Potter Musical" on YouTube. Not only did he write most of the music, but he also plays Harry freaking Potter! This group is a hilarious bunch of uber talented musicians and actors with so much creativity and energy! I love each of these actors and support them equally because of the quality of material they produce (and he just happens to be a co-creator/music director). You can find them on YouTube here: Starkid Productions

All that to say, yes I may be slightly obsessed with this celebrity. I own that. But you see, it's not just because he is on glee or because he is very handsome. It's more than any of that because he (along with Team Starkid) inspires me to be more creative, accept myself for who I am, and really enjoy life for what it has to offer :) And yea, I met him. haha. Which was totally awesome. I hope that one day I can work with such talented and genuinely fun people as the Starkids and this celebrity guy because I can only imagine the hilarity that would ensue. 

Thanks for reading and loving me even when I'm obsessed with something as awesome as this guy :) 


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