Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It is January and for the Church of the Redeemer, that means it's time for Prayer and Fasting together as a church body. This is to help us focus and be attentive to the things God is doing both in our church community and in the larger LA community that we serve. Since I've moved to LA and joined Redeemer, this time has been both a challenge and a gift. This year, I'm hoping to experience something entirely new in my prayer and fasting times. I'm hoping to experience Jesus in a way that I can't say I ever have before. I want intimacy and deep healing from Jesus. I have recently been reminded just how broken and lost I feel. I feel a hole within my heart that continues to grow. I've been searching for something and not finding it. I wish I could say I have always known that I was searching for Jesus, but I can't. Sometimes I replace Jesus with ________ (food, friends, etc.). Instead of looking for more Jesus in my life, I look for more food. I look for more time with friends. Well, now I want to look for more time with Jesus...

So, as I pray and fast not only for my family and my neighborhood, I will also be praying and expecting Jesus to show-up for me.

Please join me in prayer as I wait expectantly for Jesus to come into my life in a way that is completely new and refreshing to my soul.


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