Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tiny Little Update

Every so often I need some encouragement or inspiration to help me figure out what I want to write about on this little page of mine. Sometimes the inspiration hits and others I find myself logging in staring at a blank page with no real thoughts to share. I often find there is a desire to write, but nothing to say. It can be a frustrating place to find yourself when you love writing and yet struggle to put words together. 

I've used the image below occasionally to get my creative juices flowing and this time around I've found it very helpful. 

I was... thinking about writing a lengthy and in-depth blog about how things have been going, but I got lazy and lost motivation so I have this list for you instead ;)

I am... experiencing something new in life. Taking more risks and seeing some of them payoff. Time will tell if this lasts long, but I'm happy and excited for what's happening right now. I know that's vague, but for now that's how it'll remain.

I think... that I need to get a better handle on my room/car organization. It accurately reflects my current feeling: chaotic.

I wonder... what life will look like in a year. So many possibilities and things up in the air. I'm excited to see what God has in store for me though.

I wish... I could pause time and complete all the chores/annoying things and then push play and do all the fun stuff!

I save... way too many pictures of my boys on my phone. Seriously. Those Winchester brothers, Darren Criss, Mr. Styles....and various others take up way too much of my photo storage on my phone.

I can't imagine... being in the public eye and getting so scrutinized over every little (and big) thing. Not sure I could handle the pressure.

I believe... the Jesus I love would love Caitlyn Jenner as she is, as she was, and as she will continue to be in her life. I can only hope that we can love her and others better than we have.

I love... the Santa Monica Pier.

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