Monday, February 2, 2015

February Hopes and Dreams

At the end of each month you'll see a lot of posts reflecting on the month that is ending, but this month I want to instead offer some of my hopes for what the month ahead could include!


I hope that you are a month filled with rejuvenation and renewal. I'm not sure if any co-workers read this blog, but it's kinda funny because at work the word "renewal" isn't always a good thing. I'll explain if anyone wants details on that, BUT! On this blog it is always a welcomed and often requested occurrence.  I pray that I find new ways to experience joy and find little things that make me happy each day.

I hope to grow deeper in my current friendships as well as learn how to get rid of toxic relationships in my life (personally and professionally). There have been a few new friends that I am hoping to spend more time with and grow deeper in our trust and friendship this month!

I hope to begin a more regular and constant exercise routine that is realistic as well as challenging! During my time in an urban internship back in 2008-2010 I kept a routine with morning workouts and I experienced an intense feeling of accomplishment as I continued to meet my goals and even saw some weight loss! Let's begin this pattern again in February!

I hope to gain more control over my spending by continuing to budget, as I mentioned in my previous post, and begin a savings plan for the long-term. I just had a conversation with one of my dearest friends about possible future plans and travels so I really need to get my shit together so these plans actually have a chance to happen! This doesn't even include the planned trips to Vegas in March and Dallas, TX in September of this year. When did I become such a traveler?

And lastly, I hope to grow in my relationship with God and practice more spiritual disciplines so that I can feel closer to God. It's perfect timing too because my small group study is learning about spiritual disciplines, so I already have an easy jumping off point to begin this habit. I can't keep circling around my faith and avoiding the hard questions about what I believe unless I'm willing to experience God in new ways and through new practices. This is more of a life-long hope/dream but I'll add a brief comment here: I hope to continue a dialogue about sexuality, gender, identity, and God's love for all people with God and not just the world around me. Christians and non-Christians alike want to give me their thoughts and opinions about what to believe, what is right, what is wrong, and everything in between. Well I'm ready for God to step in and give His twosense now. So let's hope and trust in a God that speaks and answers us when we call.

What hopes and dreams do you have going into this new month? I'd love to hear what you're hoping for in the comments below.

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