Thursday, May 8, 2014

Falling Behind in Life

We interrupt our normal blogging schedule to bring you these thoughts. Below is a conversation I may (or may not) have had with God.

You know what, you're timing is tough to understand. Sometimes you send things/lessons at the perfect moment (and it's glorious) and other times it feels like you're dragging your feet on every....little....thing. Lately (meaning the last 3-4 years of my life) I have been feeling left behind in the grand scheme of life. I've blamed you most of the time actually. I've questioned my future and my value in this world because I haven't experienced things that people my age would have back in their teens! And as the years continue to pass, more and more friends have found relationships, gotten married, gained degrees, worked on having "careers", and attained what I call "Adult Status". They may not feel as though they are adults, but in my mind they are.

And then there's me.

Same job. No romantic prospects. No career path. . . .

But then, on a day like today, you send me this article: No You're Not Falling Behind in Life (Relevant Mag).
And it reminds me that I'm my own person and shouldn't compare my life to others. And while our relationship isn't all that great (sorry for the lack of prayers and not attending church and all...) I'm still on your side and hope that you are still on mine. 


  1. A good article and good to hear from you too. Miss you!

  2. girl, i'm seriously crying right now reading this. i miss you. i get you and i'm glad you processed and wrote this reflection. it's an encouragement to me as well in my darker moments. love you!

    1. Ingrid! I'm so bad at checking these comments and I'm just seeing this now! I have to email you girl. I love you and I miss you dearly! Thanks for reading!!
