Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Prompt # 9: And you thought fairies weren’t real __________ (finish the story.)

Life can be dark and lonely. You've believed so many lies about yourself, about your friends, about your life. You believed that no one loved you. You thought that you were invisible to the world around you. You thought no one could love you.  And you thought fairies weren't real until you saw one for yourself. You were caught off guard at first. Told yourself that you must be imagining things, because fairies aren't real. You kept repeating to yourself "You live in reality and fairies don't exist" over and over. Blinking your eyes because you told yourself you were seeing things. But that spark wouldn't go away. In fact, as you continued to look towards the sparkling figure in the distance, the larger it seemed to become. It was as though it was flying slowly towards you. 
Then, suddenly, the spark, the glitter, the fairy...was in the palm of your hand. You were captivated by it. Couldn't take your eyes away from it's beauty. Looking deeper into the light, you see into the soul. You see a longing for justice and kindness. You see compassion and love. You see forgiveness...but you also see wounds. She has some scars that are healing slowly. She has some past hurts that she carries on her heart. You see strength in her wings to continue flying even when the weight of her heavy heart seems to be keeping her down. Power. Wisdom. Love. They are all there, beneath the multiple layers of her dress and woven into the fabric of her soul. 
You look again and details begin to form out of the glittery figure you hold in your hand. You begin see her eyes, her beautiful wings, and her smile. You look closer still, and you see that it's you. 
You are that beautiful fairy, who is seen from miles away. You are captivating and those around you can't help but notice your glow. You are filled with love, beauty, compassion, and a longing for justice. You just needed to open your eyes to see all that is within you. Now that you've seen yourself and the magick & mystery you hold, don't easily let her fly away. Keep her safe and protect her glowing light because that is the source of her strength. She is all you are and together, you can overcome the negative and rough world you both exist in. Together, you can accomplish all things. Oh what a beautiful fairy you are. 

This is a story that came from the prompt listed above. It began as an outward fictional experience in storytelling and eventually it turned into an inward fictional experience.

 I hope that we all can see the light and fairy that is within, no matter what your personal description of your fairy may be. It's there, within you, waiting for you to find it. Today, and everyday after, I pray that I find my fairy and never let her go. 

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