Sunday, May 6, 2012

Charlie Challenge Day 5

My first Charlie fail. Yesterday I had every plan to write this out and then was sick in bed all day. So here's my makeup Charlie prompt. 

Prompt #5: Pen and Paper: Then I felt my cheeks turn rosy pink________ (finish the story.)

My personality is one that avoids embarrassment at all costs. So this prompt is pretty difficult to write. While I haven't had too many dating experiences, I had one that did leave the good kind of blush on my cheeks. I went out on a date expecting for it to be a normal dinner and chatting as it had been the few previous dates that we had gone on. But this wasn't just your average date. While it did consist of chatting and some pretty tasty food, it also included a DTR (Define The Relationship) that I was not expecting. He said things that were very flattering and then asked if we would be officially dating. "Then I felt my cheeks turn rosy pink and I said that I would love to"

Ultimately, it didn't work out and we are no longer dating. But I'll never forget that conversation and the rosy feeling it left upon my cheeks. 

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