Saturday, December 4, 2010

Luke 1:5-20

At my cell group this week, we had a particularly good study. We are entering into a season of Advent and anticipating Jesus' birth so we studied Zechariah & Elizabeth's story (the beginning anyway) when Zechariah is given word of his wife's pregnancy.

Their story has never "hit-home" for me like it did after Monday night. We thought about what life might have been like prior to this part of their story. What is day-to-day like for a husband and wife who long for a child but cannot have one? The text describes them as "righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands and decrees blamelessly" (v.6). Which at first glance, it seems like anyone in the Bible could have that description. But what is so amazing and encouraging about Elizabeth & Zezhariah is that while they desperately wanted something from God (a child) and with each day that passed until this point they did not receive it, they still were righteous and observed the Lord's commands. They were blameless even!

How often have I been angry or hurt by God for things that I want but haven't received? Do I think that I am blameless in the eyes of God? Nope. I definitely wouldn't fit that category.

Bitter maybe...

But this is a story of faith and not bitterness. Elizabeth was probably shunned from certain social activities or just not included because she didn't have children of her own. She was seen as "less than" and even judged. Zechariah had to bear some of that burden when he came home and the social stigma that it had on him as well.  Who knows what their daily conversations/arguments looked like. And yet they were seen by God to be righteous and blameless. Why? Because they must have decided that God is enough. The Lord's commands were worth obeying regardless of what they "got" out of it. Society didn't define their faith in the Lord.  Their own desires or wants in life didn't distract them from knowing the true love of God and the value that held above all.

Yes, I have been a single woman my entire life. Yes! I want to date and eventually be married. Yes, I hope that God will hear my prayers.

No, I will not use this temporary disappointment to define my faith in God. I want to be better than what I have been. I want to be blameless in the eyes of God. I want to find my comfort and peace in God, not in a hope or expectation of a relationship.

At this point I feel I am rambling.

To whoever is reading, thank you. May God show you just how valuable you are.

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