Friday, May 10, 2013

Life's Craziness

Hey! So I've been pretty M.I.A. lately and I do apologize. The main reason for my relative silence is that I got a second job working weekends at a movie theater! On one hand, it's super exciting to earn extra funds (which will be going towards an exciting adventure in October!) but on the other hand, it's entirely exhausting. The body-aches-sore-muscles-so-tired-you-can't-sleep kind of exhausting. Yea, more exhausting than writing that last sentence even!

So most of my time is spent either at my full-time desk answering emails and phone calls (and on twitter...let's be real) OR I can be found serving popcorn and nachos (which I used to love and now the cheese just melts my flesh as I change it) for anxious moviegoers.

I had been debating getting a second job for a while and when the opportunity came up that the theater was hiring, I felt I should at least apply and see what happens. It's a great gig for me because I get FREE movies (other than opening weekends) and  I'm not working weeknights so it doesn't conflict with my full-time gig. The other reason it works is that it's temporary. It'll end late July and that'll be all. So it's basically like a summer job. Yep, I have a summer job at 26 years old. I'm THAT awesome.

In the past few weeks, some things have happened and I wanted to give a (brief) update:
1.Started (and quickly ended) online dating
2. Got rejected from USC Cinematic Arts
3. Decided to adopt my roommate's cat, like officially
4. Started plans for moving to a new place in August

I know most of those could have posts all to themselves, but I just don't have the time to write them out :(

IN UNRELATED NEWS (to anything in this post): 
My last post dealt with the Veronica Mars kickstarter and since then one of my favorite actors, Zach Braff, began a campagin for his own project. He came under similar criticism about his funding, his "famous" status, and why he used the site for funding. I found this interview in which he explains and answers these critiques in a way that is so perfectly Zach Braff. I haven't supported his project, but I LOVE his vision of what a kickstarter for someone of his status (and anyone really) can be, which is a community. I love that! Check out the video below if you're at all interested.
