Wednesday, February 22, 2012

When Inspiration Strikes.

I recently  read THIS post from a really cool new site from Dianna Agron (Quinn, from Glee) called "You, Me, & Charlie". I really enjoyed the questions she asked and wanted to use some creative juices this morning :)

YM&C: What day is it?
Friday 2/17 around 11:20am.

YM&C: Where are you responding to this email?
Honestly, I'm sitting at my desk at work. It's a slow work day...

YM&C: If you could go somewhere, right now, for 24 hours, where would it be?
New York. Easy. I'm pretty sure my answer will always be NYC until I live there and I'll have to pick another place. 

YM&C: What makes you the happiest?
Laughing and singing are my favorite things to do in the world. They both make me feel things nothing else does. 

YM&C: What makes you feel inspired?
Seeing people overcome obstacles in life and leaving with a positive outlook. To see someone who could have just "given up" choose to fight, push through, and overcome against all me chills every time. THAT's what I want in life. I want to overcome my own struggles and come out stronger for it. 

YM&C: What’s your favorite song to sing?
"On My Own" from Les Miserables. I'm hoping to work on this song with my singing coach soon. Here's a video of what I want to sound like. (I really admire Lea Michele and want to model my voice after hers.) 

YM&C: What’s your power anthem?
Right now it's "We Are Young" by fun. I love the concept of being young and capable to accomplish anything! 

YM&C: What is one thing that you think people don’t expect from you?
really love cuss words. The F-word makes me laugh more than anything. haha! That's embarrassing. 

YM&C: What would you say to your younger self?
Don't let anyone make you feel invisible. You are seen and you are worth the attention of your family and friends. Also, don't give up on things. It may be hard but push through. Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is how often I've quit or given up on something because it was a challenge. I've always wanted everything to be easy, but when it wasn't, I thought that meant I wasn't meant to do it. Don't do that! You can do it if you work hard enough and believe in yourself. I might sound like a broken record, but it's definitely the most important lesson I wish I knew when I was little. 

YM&C: A picture and a thought?

This is the sneaky picture I took of the Broadway stage for "How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying". It means so much more than just a great memory or a great musical. It represents an accomplishment  in my personal life of being more adventurous and going after the things I want. And God doesn't just give us those things but instead goes above and BEYOND by providing so much financial assistance to allow my family to actually afford the trip. God showed His love for me through my entire NYC trip. This picture reminds me: 
1) Dreams can come true
2) They won't always look how you thought your dreams would.
3) They will be better than you imagined
4) Life is good when you take chances and trust God.
5) Lastly, Darren will always be my favorite performer (yep, I said it). haha. 

Thanks for letting me pretend I was being interviewed for something :) 

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