We begin this series with Supernatural.
Judge me if you will, but only if you've watched at least 3 episodes first! If not, move along in your judgement.
I remember when this show started, back when it was on the WB (...tear) and I thought it looked ridiculous. Especially since I watched Gilmore Girls and seeing Jared Padalecki on this new show was dumb. Plus, I've never been into scary/horror shows, so I was even less interested in watching Supernatural. Oh how wrong I was. To give myself some credit, it premiered during my freshman year of college and I was starting to think the WB was for a younger TV viewer. Looking back, I have so many TV regrets!
Let's continue....
The series follows the Winchester brother as they hunt demons, ghosts, monsters, and other figures of the supernatural. The show is about to start it's 9th season (!!!) and thanks to my handy Netflix subscription, I am currently in the middle of Season 3 hoping to catch up by the premiere in October. I have a lot of catching up to do and I cannot wait! I will admit that the scary stuff in the show does get to me at times. I look away or mute the sound because it is legit scary. Evil spirits and demons freak me out. But they defeat them! Faith and religion are also discussed in the show and I have come to appreciate the ways they discuss God, religion, spirits and such. Keep in mind there are 5 entire seasons of material and mythology that I have yet to see, but still, I have enjoyed the discussion so far. I won't go into too much plot or detail in the show, but instead dive into the reason this is my newest obsession.
The Winchester Brothers. Period. The end.
It's their brotherly love and support that gives the show it's heart and soul. All the other good stuff (spot on humor, gorgeous men, and interesting mythology!!!) is a bonus in my opinion.
Its so beautiful to see these brothers act the way that they do for one another. I can't put my finger on exactly why this bond is so endearing, but it is. Maybe it's because I'm not used to seeing this kind of love between siblings on TV. I'm used to brothers who "get along" or brothers who are loving/good to one another, but the Winchesters take it to a whole other level. They depend on each other. They constantly make sacrifices for one another. They look out for one another. They love each other. They are the only family they got! They would die for one another if it came down to it. They are also the most macho and yet equally emotional male characters that I've seen on TV. They cry for one another and mourn losses together. It's beautiful.
There is a lot more to discuss and a lot more that keeps me hooked, but for now that's all I'll go into. I know it's a lot to take in and the evil stuff is pretty intense so I wouldn't recommend it if you scare easily... but if you're looking for a show heavy with emotions, love, fighting evil, and two pretty handsome guys...watch Supernatural. You won't regret it. I sure don't.
Side Note: I've been watching some YouTube clips of Jared and Jensen (actors who play the Winchesters) and they seem to have an equally strong friendship outside of the show as their characters do on the show. It's really adorable. Below is a clip of the boys impersonating each other's characters:
Lastly! I'm not the only one who thinks this. Check this list of TV's Top brothers (#1!): http://www.buddytv.com/slideshows/24/tvs-best-brothers-70480.aspx